Polishing frets on a Gibson Custom Shop Collector's Choice #17 "Louis" at a festival in Ohio.

Line check at a Buckcherry outdoor show in St. Louis... Keith's rig is pretty loud!

Affixing Keith Nelson's talk box tube to his mic stand for the next Buckcherry song.

Top View of the backstage guitar world at a festival in Perth, Australia. You can see Steel Panther and Buckcherry's guitars (and some other band's gear) in the stage right area.

Stevie D, Marcus Schefer, and Kelly Lemiuox at a Buckcherry show... They played the show, I just tech'ed it.

Fixing Keith Nelson's (Buckcherry) pedal board pre show.

Keith Nelson's (Buckcherry) Gibson Les Paul is tuned and ready for the next song.

My view of the Buckcherry show from my stage right guitar world.

Tuning up the next guitar for Keith Nelson of Buckcherry at a festival show.

There I am, blocking the view of Buckcherry fans backstage with my big head, somewhere in the UK at a festival gig.

Line checking Satchel's main Charvel signature model guitar before the Steel Panther show, 2017 Girls in a Row tour.

My stage right guitar world with Steel Panther 2017, Lexi's basses and Satchel's guitars.

The Official Stage Right Bass Guitar Spa and Lounge... My tech world for Chris Kael on a Five Finger Death Punch tour. Red carpet and velvet rope.

New bass day for Chris Kael (FFDP) mid tour... I better get to work! They all will be set up from the factory/stock 45-100 A440 settings to Kael's 70-130 B Standard tuning.

Final line check, minutes before I hand off the bass to Chris Kael... The kabuki drops revealing a brilliant spectacle of lights, lasers, fire, skulls, bats, band, and the sonic devastation that is a Five Finger Death Punch live show.

This show was rained out in New York. The PA's bass cabs were floating in knee deep water at the foot of the stage, and it was really neat to watch those really expensive lights blow up when they got wet!